Chart.js 2.9.0 Released

Breaking changes

  • #6131 helpers._decimalPlaces is now private


  • #6527 Hover styling for dataset in 'dataset' mode
  • #6268 Implement dataset.order
  • #6509 Make autoSkip aware of major ticks
  • #6460 Implemented RTL support for legends and tooltips
  • #6490 HTML DOM building
  • #6326 Draw the rightmost grid line when offsetGridLines is true
  • #6343 Handle reverse support in core.scale
  • #6289 Support spanGaps in radar charts
  • #6323 Support object values for bar charts
  • #6287 Support rotation for pointStyle image
  • #6257 Allow specifying labels in time scale options
  • #6281 Support boundary filling modes in radialLinear scale
  • #6056 Add support for floating bar chart ([start, end])
  • #6241 Implement layers (z-index) for layout items
  • #5621 Make legend appearance consistent with chart elements
  • #5999 Implement per-dataset type (default and per-chart) options
  • #6097 Specify time scale min and max in standard manner
  • #6141 Legend align option. Thanks @dkichler
  • #6128 Make line options scriptable. Thanks @janelledement


  • #6594 Remove a couple calls to helpers.each
  • #6247 Remove duplicate scale building
  • #6579 Cache resolved data element options
  • #6575 Simplify line drawing
  • #6508 Add ticks.sampleSize option
  • #6354 Perf improvement for ticks.source:'labels'
  • #6301 Replace helpers.each with for-loops
  • #6304 Refactor core.layout
  • #6307 Faster major tick calculation
  • #6250 Cache getScaleForId() calls in the line controller
  • #6148 Replace helpers.extend

Bug Fixes

  • #6249 Bar options should be defined on dataset instead of scale
  • #6556 Inject styles into Shadow DOM when inside Shadow DOM
  • #6583 Fix unit determination when autoSkip is enabled
  • #6581 Return correct index/value id in radar/polarArea
  • #6580 Fix logarithmic test to use correct scale
  • #6528 Make sure zeroLineIndex is defined
  • #6523 Fix right side scale ticks
  • #6423 Clamp argument of toExponential between 0 and 20. Thanks @veggiesaurus
  • #6328 Fix getValueForPixel in time scale
  • #6292 Adjust vertical alignment of tooltip items
  • #6321 Update dataset metadata when axisID changes
  • #6291 Assign unique scale IDs
  • #6288 Fix regression in lineTension
  • #6282 Treat null as NaN in radialLinear scale
  • #6285 Keep lines on the left and right edges from being cut
  • #6269 Apply lineJoin style at the first point in radar charts
  • #6280 Fix point label counting in radialLinear scale
  • #6279 Treat 0 as a valid point label
  • #6265 Utilize tick.major in tickFormatFunction
  • #6264 Apply offset regardless of min/max setting
  • #6258 Fix ticks generation for vertical time scale
  • #6259 Fix determineUnitForFormatting floating point error
  • #6115 Fix overlapping auto-generated ticks on time scale
  • #6238 Fix tooltip title in radar charts
  • #6224 Fix arc size calculation when circumference is under 2*PI
  • #6215 Fix arc border with circumference over 2*PI
  • #5961 Fix tick label rotation and layout issues
  • #6182 Use the appropriate time format for auto tick generation
  • #6208 Fill before drawing lines
  • #6209 Fix missing tooltip value in radar charts
  • #6177 Normalize angle for index in radialLinear scale
  • #6102 Fix ticks.minor and ticks.major issues
  • #6129 Fix hover animation
  • #6120 Improved helpers.almostWhole


  • #6585 Add a note to the perf documentation about rotation
  • #6554 Add link to linear radial axis for radar chart doc
  • #6491 Add elements.arc.angle in documentation
  • #6466 Fixed incorrect spelling in pie dataset options. Thanks @SeppPenner
  • #6435 Add link back to home page from docs
  • #6393 Add radar chart config options
  • #6293 Correct descriptions on ticks.display and add pointLabels.display
  • #6263 Add sample for radar scriptable options
  • #6244 Fix data in timeseries sample
  • #6186 Typo in doughnut documentation. Thanks @joshuamcewen
  • #6132 Make docs consistent for cubicInterpolationMode and fill. Thanks @stockiNail
  • #6119 Demonstrate multiple units on timeseries example
  • #6139 Documented tooltip alignment options
  • #6134 Documented date adapter


  • #6507 Improved minimization when calling helpers
  • #6497 Reduce indentation
  • #6355 Do autoSkip in update
  • #6493 Upgrade rollup and plugins
  • #6362 Improved code minimization
  • #6360 Create helpers.math._factorize
  • #6351 Lazily compute label sizes
  • #6347 Render charts only once in time scale tests
  • #6246 Avoid time related deprecation warnings in tests

Thanks to the maintainers and collaborators for their help to improve and test Chart.js (@nagix, @kurkle, @benmccann, @etimberg and @simonbrunel).

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