From the mail bag…

Mailbag animated

From the mail bag!

Hi, my name is Cameron and I just want to say you guys
have totally gotten me out of somewhat of a rut I’ve been in for the past
couple years. Your website, your videos (especially your how-to’s and
educational ones) have really lifted me up and gotten me back into a
creative mindset. I’m learning again, I’m reading and experimenting again,
and most importantly I feel like my self again. I’ve set up a pretty sweet
“maker shop” in my office complete with some Adafruit parts and tools, and a
3D printer. I think this is a very scary and unsure time for a lot of people
like me, and what you guys do at Adafruit is truly inspiring. I love that
you actively and openly support of women in engineering/science/math/etc and
the LGBTQ+ community. Sometimes I feel like some companies kind of
marginalize us or forget about our group, but Adafruit doesn’t!

Anyway, thanks so much for snapping me back to myself, getting me active and
thinking and making again! Thank you for your support of ALL men, women, and
children who have a shared love of technology and engineering. Maybe I’ll
see you on a live stream one day!


from Adafruit Industries – Makers, hackers, artists, designers and engineers!