From the mail bag…

Mailbag animated

From the mail bag!

I have a son and 3 daughters. My son is about to be 10 and we’ve done a few kits together (a couple from your site and a couple more based on the Amazing tutorials you folks write). Thank you for the level of education you sneak in beside the “Wow! This is aweosme!”.

More importantly, I wanted to directly thank Ms. Fried. My eldest daughter is 7, and she loves math. I have recently shown her this site and several videos from it to show her that girls who like math and science can stick to it and do amazing things.

Thank you for being a role model to a little girl in Canada that her dad can be ok with. Hopefully she learns to solder well faster than her brother did.


from Adafruit Industries – Makers, hackers, artists, designers and engineers!