How to Prepare for a Networking Event

a diverse group of business people socializing at a networking event

Networking events are a must for anyone who has entrepreneurial dreams and those seeking connections in their line of work. To make the best of the next event you attend, here are some tips to help you get prepared.

Get Your Business Cards Together

Business cards are a must-have when you attend any time of networking event. You want to give people a way to both remember you and get ahold of you. Always take a few more business cards with you than you think you’ll need.

Depending on what type of business you’re in, you may want to bring brochures that explain the services or products you offer. If you’re looking to find your next employer, you could consider bringing a resume or two along with you.

Dress for Success

While networking events that happen at bars may seem like casual affairs, you want to dress like the business professional you are (or want to be). You don’t need to dress formal, but professional or business casual attire will let people know you’re serious about making professional connections.

Practice what you want to say to the people you meet. Your look and actions will both say a lot about your professionalism.

Have a Plan in Mind

Before you head to the networking event, have a plan of what you want to do while you’re there. Are you working on expanding your business or marketing a new venture? Are you looking for a business partner, employees, or new clients?

Business networking events are also great places to bounce new ideas off of other professionals and got honest feedback.

Be Prepared to Take Notes

You may not want to carry a spiral notebook with you, especially when you’ll probably be up moving around most of the night. There are times when you may want to take some notes as well, like when you get a good idea or someone gives you some interesting info you want to look into later. If you own a smartphone, you can use your “notes” app to jot down stuff you want to remember. You could also bring a small notebook and pen that will easily fit in a pocket or purse.