How to Reclaim Control Over Your Email Inbox

In the digital age, we’re receiving emails almost constantly, and at a certain point you just can’t keep up with deleting them all. Eventually, there’s a little red circle saying “1,506” over your email app icon and the thought of even beginning to clean your inbox is daunting. Fortunately, you don’t have to do it manually.

Clean Email is a web-based client that lets you effectively and efficiently clean your inbox using easily defined rules and filters. With its tool, you can segment your emails into groups so you can separate work from personal emails, sort specific project emails, or organize emails from different teams.

If you’re not even sure where to begin, Clean Email gives you smart views of your email inbox. You can quickly apply bulk actions like deleting automated emails or sorting everything from specific senders. With defined types, you can isolate important emails and distill them further into “Teammates” or “Friends and Family” lists so you know where to find everything. Clean Email even provides you tools to help you mass-unsubscribe from promotional emails you no longer want and block additional messages.

Get back control of your email inbox. A lifetime subscription to Clean Email is on sale today for just $29.99.

Read the full article: How to Reclaim Control Over Your Email Inbox

from MakeUseOf