How to Trim a Handlebar Mustache
Trimming a handlebar mustache can be daunting. It’s natural to worry about ruining the look you’ve worked so hard to create. Trimming your handlebar mustache, however, is easier than you may think. All you need is some mustache wax, a comb, a pair of electric trimmers, and a pair of quality scissors. The key thing to remember when starting to trim is to go slow and take off just a little bit at a time.
[Edit]Washing and Styling before Trimming
- Clean your beard right before you trim it. Washing your mustache with soap or shampoo will also soften the hairs, making them easier to trim. The best time to trim your mustache is soon after you get out of the shower.[1]
- Try to set aside at least 30 minutes for your trimming session so you don’t have to rush through the process.
- Let your mustache dry before trying to trim it. Use a towel or a blow dryer to get the moisture out of your hairs. Letting your mustache dry will allow you to see its true length and shape before you trim it.[2]
- Comb your mustache. Comb your mustache with a mustache comb or a fine-toothed comb as you normally do, so you can see all the stray hairs that need to be trimmed. When combing your mustache hairs, always go in the direction you want them to grow.[3]
- You can use either a special mustache comb or a quality, fine-toothed comb made of wood or cellulose acetate.
- Style your mustache with mustache wax before trimming. Start by applying the wax to the middle of your mustache and then work your way to the tips. Shape your mustache as you would on a normal day. This will allow you to see what areas of your mustache need to be trimmed.[4]
- Be sure to massage the wax evenly into the entirety of your mustache.
- Use a mustache comb and your fingers to style the mustache in the way you want.
- Use your thumb and forefinger to shape the ends of your mustache.
- If you don’t usually use wax to style your mustache, you can skip this step.
[Edit]Trimming with Clippers and Scissors
- Start by trimming the hairs that hang over your lip with electric trimmers. Start in the middle of your mustache and work your way to the outside. Brush the clippers lightly underneath your mustache. Trim just enough to keep hairs from growing over your lip. When using electric trimmers, go slowly so you don’t accidentally trim off more than you want.[5]
- Start with longer guards and then switch to shorter guards if you want a closer cut.
- Keep your face relaxed and neutral to make sure you trim evenly.
- You can also use scissors for this step if you’d prefer a more controlled cut.
- Use a pair of quality scissors to cut the hairs just below your nose. Trim just enough so that it doesn’t look like your mustache is growing out of your nose.[6]
- You can cut as much or as little as you’d like, depending on what type of look you’re going for.
- Trim the ends of your mustache with a pair of scissors. Cut just enough to even the hairs. Scissors will allow you to be more precise with your trimming, which you’ll need when dealing with the ends. This will give your handlebar mustache a fuller appearance.[7]
- Use a pair of professional grade scissors for best results.
- Try to get the two sides even, but be careful not to take off more length than you want.
- Always start by trimming as little as possible, so you don’t end up cutting off more than you intend.
- Use your scissors to trim the area of your beard near your mustache. You’ll want to keep the beard hairs to the sides of your mouth short, to give your mustache greater definition. Grab your mustache hairs and pull them away from your face to get a clear view of the beard hairs you’ll need to cut.[8]
- If you don’t do this step, your mustache will grow into your beard and it will be difficult to maintain the defined look of a handlebar mustache.
- If you don't have a beard, you can skip this step.
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from How to of the Day