Ludovic Courtès (Guix) Is Accusing Stallman of Thoughtcrime

Ludovic Courtès (Guix) accusing Stallman of Thoughtcrime

Ludovic Courtès (Guix) is accusing Stallman of Thoughtcrime. By using the same platform that was provided to him by chief gnuissance Dr. Richard Stallman, the subdomain on domain, Ludovic Courtès is defaming and harassing Stallman for reasons of thoughtcrime (see the book 1984).

By that same act Ludovic Courtès abuses the Guix code of conduct and the GNU Kind Communication Guidelines as set in the community by Richard Stallman himself.

Ludovic Courtès

Hatred, animosity and separation are products of Ludovic Courtès in October 2019. His disgraceful statement was published on whereby no prior Guix discussion have taken place. How did those people get together to publish such statement? There are no references that I could find on the Guix mailing lists.

It is in contradiction to GNU Kind Communication Guidelines: where by it says: "The only political positions that the GNU Project endorses are (1) that users should have control of their own computing (for instance, through free software) and (2) supporting basic human rights in computing."

My domain is not connected or sponsored by FSF, neither it is part of GNU project. It is there to publish my opinions or maybe opinions of other people, I am welcoming opinions on every page of this domain.

I have asked Ludovic Courtès to state the facts that will prove and evidence their statement "that Stallman’s behavior over the years has undermined a core value of the GNU project: the empowerment of all computer users. GNU is not fulfilling its mission when the behavior of its leader alienates a large part of those we want to reach out to." -- as such statement is baseless, fact-less, pure generalization and rumour.

References to his answers can be found on 2019-10-07 IRC log and 2019-10-08 IRC log. This same log is not accessible as of 2019-10-09 (504 Gateway Time-out). This page will be updated.

Yet, Ludovic Courtès, is asking people to join him in such nonsense on the GNU.ORG domain, and he does not give people an option to comment on that page.

I have asked Ludovic Courtès to enable comments on his political blog that he publishes on Guix operating system, yet he justified himself that they have no option to enable comments on that blog. Pardon me. Hacker of the operating system that has no option to enable comments?!

The disgraceful statement gives impression that all GNU maintainers including the GNU project is against RMS, which is absolutely not true.

So Ludovic Courtès could not answer "which behavior over the years undermined a core value of GNU project to empower all computer users".

Ludovic Courtès could not provide any fact supporting his general statement.

He mentioned abort() joke, and Emacs virgins. One big X$%*&#X LOL!

Thus RMS is made guilty of thoughtcrime, harassed, and defamed on his own website on the subdomain by his own project maintainer.

Yes, it is true that domain belongs to FSF and FSF is organization, but those are legal matters. Legal entity is legal entity in the legal world. In the world of people, both the foundation FSF and are creations of Dr. Richard Stallman, and are thus HIS OWN. It does not matter how he has organized the system of people and made legal entities to protect his creations. This does not matter. The domain is his own and it probably existed before the FSF was founded.

To publish his political opinions where Ludovic Courtès is defaming and harassing Richard Stallman on his own domain is disgraceful and shameful activity!

That would be like me to kick my own mother in her stomach.

Do I bash Guix and Ludovic Courtès for their free speech? NO!

Not at all.

I do not mind what they are speaking and what is somebody speaking or thinking bad about RMS, me, or anybody else. Everybody is entitled to their opinion.

But what I find really embarassing and disgraceful and immature act that Ludovic Courtès is publishing such defamation on RMS on RMS's GNU.ORG domain!

What I find embarassing, and not appropriate is that Ludovic Courtès, Ricardo Wurmus, Matt Lee, Andreas Enge, Samuel Thibault, Carlos O'Donell, Andy Wingo, Jordi Gutiérrez Hermoso, Mark Wielaard, Ian Lance Taylor, Werner Koch, Daiki Ueno, Christopher Lemmer Webber, Jan Nieuwenhuizen, John Wiegley, Tom Tromey, Jeff Law, Han-Wen Nienhuys, Joshua Gay, Ian Jackson, Tobias Geerinckx-Rice, Andrej Shadura, Zack Weinberg and John W. Eaton are participating in defamation of character of Richard Stallman on his own domain GNU.ORG.

They are participating in rumour based ruination of his character.

And I cannot find any trace if they ever asked RMS what is actually going on. As of 2019-10-09 they have not shown adult logic to verify what is going on, they simply participate in rumours and create hatred, animosity and enmity.

It is not the RMS. Those people are now using GNU website to undermine the GNU project. They are doing more harm than good.

Defamation is illegal in many countries, which is especially illegal in France where Ludovic Courtès has his residency.

Ludovic Courtès is judge, attorney, and witness in the same time and he decides who is the jury and does not allow any public opinion. He invites and accepts the jury by his own.

He is abusing the kind and social behavior of Richard Stallman who is giving him the GNU.ORG subdomain to publish defamation against Richard Stallman.

He is harming RMS and harming the GNU project by providing such ridiculous baseless statements.

Ludovic Courtès and other people who joined in that statement are harming the Guix project too as they are making it political.

People are already resigning from support of Guix project. Is that the result that Ludovic Courtès wish to get?

Don't they understand that their own trust-worth is undermined by undersigning the fact-less statements, by accusing Stallman of thoughtcrime?!

I understand Ludovic Courtès as I understand he has personal pressure due to his relation to GNU project. I could only think that somebody mentioned to him about rumours on RMS and so Ludovic Courtès feels not conveniet to be in the GNU project, so he made his decision to disassociate himself from RMS. This is my impression and from that viewpoint I can understand himself and others. But that is not mature decision. It is decision based on thoughtcrime, fact-less judgment, against any human rights of free speech.

Stallman is entitled to free speech!

Humanitarian who always strived to teach other people of free speech is now accused for his own free speech!

Dr. Richard Stallman is not a criminal. Do not make him such on his own domain!

Publish your ridiculous statemtns on GUIX domain or some others, I could not care less.

What I hate is their hypocrisy, hypocrisy is that they accuse RMS of underminind GNU project, which has no foundation at all, while they are undermining their own GNU projects in the same time.

They are accusing RMS of what they are doing themselves.

Ludovic Courtès lacks the integrity and logical sense to distinguish between the GNU project and the fact that RMS is entitled to his opinions and that rumour that can happen to anybody in this world is rumour and not a fact, and shall not be used as fake evidence to make RMS guilty of thoughtcrime.

RMS did nothing wrong that could justify the statement justifies the Guix and Ludovic Courtès's statement "that RMS's behavior over the years undermined a core value of GNU project to empower all computer users".

He is publishing his articles and has his opinions on website. Many of his opinions may be opposing to other people's opinions, so what? RMS is always kind and sticks to his integrity and policies.

His political opinions are separate and not published on GNU.ORG or FSF.ORG websites, contrary to what Ludovic Courtès is doing.

FSF or GNU.ORG maintainers NEED TO HAVE one responsible person who is to enforce the policies.

If only this policy below would be enforced, it would be fine for GNU.ORG and GNU software projects: where by it says: "The only political positions that the GNU Project endorses are (1) that users should have control of their own computing (for instance, through free software) and (2) supporting basic human rights in computing."

I would enforce that policy for GNU software and projects on GNU.ORG, but I cannot. I can only ask FSF and GNU and GNU supporters to enforce that.

Nobody shall be bashed for their opinions! While I am opposing their baseless opinion, I consider they are fully entitled to their opinion.

But using the GNU.ORG website to defame, harass and disturb RMS is out of this world!

Let Ludovic Courtès express his opinion on his own domain. Let him be whoever he is. I do not know who is he, as I would never do that to person like RMS who did good for mankind. I do not know that type of character.

Please sign the joint statement against defamation and harassment of RMS on GNU.ORG domain

Hereby, I the undersigner, who have contacted the website, think that such political opinions of Ludovic Courtès should not have place on GNU.ORG website neither on Guix or free software websites, and that he, Ludovic Courtès shall stick to Guix Code of Conduct and to principles that "The only political positions that the GNU Project endorses are (1) that users should have control of their own computing (for instance, through free software) and (2) supporting basic human rights in computing."

Additionally, I am recognizing that Dr. Richard Stallman is accused of thoughtcrime and is being defamed and harassed for reasons of thoughtcrime.

Please contact me, and tell me your opinion, I will publish it here how it is.

p1. Jean Louis, GNU Free Software Supporter, as 2019-10-09

  1. You are next to sign it here.

Update as of 2019-10-09

Here is what people say about Ludovic Courtès on

Anonymous statement against Ludovic Courtès's defamation of RMS

Go tweet at them publicly. Do not break any rules, but they need to be publically shamed. Use their SJW tactics against them.

Anonymous statement against Ludovic Courtès's defamation of RMS

Trannies: Making autistic people kill themselves. I never had a problem with them before, but now I do.

Anonymous statement against Ludovic Courtès's defamation of RMS

Same here. I feel like they are just systematically making everyone hate them.

Anonymous statement against Ludovic Courtès's defamation of RMS

Yes, agreed. We should organize this and respectfully disagree with them on their Twitters

Anonymous statement against Ludovic Courtès's defamation of RMS

There's a reason nerds are so exclusive with their clubs.

Anonymous statement against Ludovic Courtès's defamation of RMS

Every single one of them is a pathetic piece of human garbage to me. They tolerated Stallman and worked with him, knowing how he is, and how the thinks about certain topics. Nothing is new in this shitshow. But they didn't said anything. They kept quiet. Until others said "muh it's wrong what he said" and now they're all against hin. Just pathetic liars. Not because I want to defend Stallman, but because they all used him and his work, until others start complaining about his behavior. Truly disgusting. Almost makes me use Closed Source Software.

Anonymous statement against Ludovic Courtès's defamation of RMS

He's a genius and likely autistic. Who cares what he said? It had nothing to do with computing.

Anonymous statement against Ludovic Courtès's defamation of RMS

Stallman is a autist who was never corrected but protected by these people. What makes you think the people who supported, defended, and covered up for Stallman can still be part of an organization like GNU?

Anonymous statement against Ludovic Courtès's defamation of RMS

I wonder if they really don't realize how much they are excluding and humilliating socially awkward people

Anonymous statement against Ludovic Courtès's defamation of RMS

Guile devs should just admit they are fucking useless and leave GNU, which should just adopt Racket. The idea of using a scheme based language in place of python or ruby was clever, but the devs were so shit they got btfo by racket mere two years after release lf Guile, then tried to get emacs devs to remake emacs in guile for them so they would be relevant, but predictably were told to fuck off every time.

Anonymous statement against Ludovic Courtès's defamation of RMS

There is no problem. Who cares if he made some comment unrelated to computing? Retards like you would have "cancelled" Howard Hughes for being a freak. Geniuses are usually eccentric.

Anonymous statement against Ludovic Courtès's defamation of RMS

Why are you the speech police? Who cares? He's an autistic genius, of course he's eccentric.

Anonymous statement against Ludovic Courtès's defamation of RMS

leave the poor man alone you horrible shit cunt

Anonymous statement against Ludovic Courtès's defamation of RMS

Cult of personality? But his achievements aren't a ruse and he's a very accomplished academic as well as an undeniably genius programmer. Not sure where the cult part comes in exactly.

Anonymous statement against Ludovic Courtès's defamation of RMS

Will they step down when they make end up making someone uncomfortable?

Anonymous statement against Ludovic Courtès's defamation of RMS

They're not "influencers." They're spineless devs who expect praise for their backstab of RMS.

Anonymous statement against Ludovic Courtès's defamation of RMS

And they want to fire him, which is retarded. RMS is on the spectrum and his weirdness is nothing new.

Anonymous statement against Ludovic Courtès's defamation of RMS

This is it. I'm ceasing all my donations to GNU.

Anonymous statement against Ludovic Courtès's defamation of RMS

Why don't they just leave? Fucking nobodies

Anonymous statement against Ludovic Courtès's defamation of RMS

he's an accomplished public speaker, i don't buy this autism excuse, rms has never claimed to be autistic or dysfunctional

Anonymous statement against Ludovic Courtès's defamation of RMS

what a bunch of ungrateful cunts. RMS 4 ever.

Anonymous statement against Ludovic Courtès's defamation of RMS

Even if stallman is a cunt, there really is a concerted effort to destroy the Free Software movement

Anonymous statement against Ludovic Courtès's defamation of RMS

Tweeting him publicly and shaming isn't as good as exodus of contributors, I'm sure more than a few contributors will be interested in knowing their project lead is participating in character assassination of the GNU/FSF founder RMS You want to wipe these fucking backstabbers out, wipe out their contributions by convincing contributors to leave the project You don't have to be crazy, just point out what is happening as many are probably unaware Maybe start your own counter "joint statement" with them

git clone cd guix git shortlog -s -e -n 

Anonymous statement against Ludovic Courtès's defamation of RMS

Get enough of them together and get Ludovic fired. Demand his resignation for attacking someone with a clear developmental disorder (autism) Bullies who attack people because they have autism or dyslexia or other disorders deserve to be fired

Anonymous statement against Ludovic Courtès's defamation of RMS

You know just how right Stallman is and how wrong these people are when they have to resort to outright lies in order to attack him. Pathetic, really. I hope Stallman removes these faggots from GNU, as he is still technically the head of the project.

Anonymous statement against Ludovic Courtès's defamation of RMS

He said that victims of sex slavery may present themselves as willing to the people they are forced to have sex with. Not only is that entirely reasonable, it is also completely inoffensive to every single person.

Anonymous statement against Ludovic Courtès's defamation of RMS

What these morons don't understand is that dedicated guys like RMS have no time for the petty social standards that teveryone seems to be so fond of nowadays.

Anonymous statement against Ludovic Courtès's defamation of RMS

RIP GNU/Linux. These fucking assholes who are probably Microsoft shills have been waiting for their shot to corrupt and fuck over GNU/Linux for years and now they're getting their chance. It's over.

Anonymous statement against Ludovic Courtès's defamation of RMS

RMS is way better than Jesus though.

Anonymous statement against Ludovic Courtès's defamation of RMS

How is it possible that so many people blindly believe some hearsay-bullshit?

Anonymous statement against Ludovic Courtès's defamation of RMS

Jesus knows that feel, I don't, but RMS must feel horrible right now. Imagine you spend you whole live doing good and when you're 66 years old, you wake up and suddenly you're a child rapist supporter, a women harasser and you smell bad - and you know that this is what people probably will think about you till the end of time. Did he deserve this? Did we deserve him? I'm depressed. Fuck this shit, I want a happy end.

Anonymous statement against Ludovic Courtès's defamation of RMS

It hurts. RMS must think his whole life is worthless. He fought for the good, but he'll be remembered as evil person. I can't cope with this.

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