Network of Temperature Sensors #piday #raspberrypi @Raspberry_Pi

Great, informative, project shared by elizabehna on Instructables:

Temperature and humidity are vital data in your lab, kitchen, manufacturing line, office, killer robots, and even your home. If you need to monitor multiple locations or rooms or spaces you need something that is reliable, compact, accurate and affordable. You can buy expensive sensors but if you are monitoring multiple rooms this can cause your expenses to skyrocket. This tutorial will show you how to build these sensors and monitor your data without breaking the bank.

This is a perfect application for a $14 Raspberry Pi Zero WH as this device is compact, inexpensive, powerful, and has built-in WiFi. The setup for each sensor node is going to cost ~$31 plus shipping, taxes, and the case. You can easily get each item above in bulk to minimize shipping costs with the exception of the Raspberry Pi Zero WH, which may be more challenging outside of the UK. You cannot find a vendor that allows you to purchase more than one Zero per Raspberry Pi Foundation rules.

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