NEW GUIDE: Apple Newton – A Personal Digital Assistant from 25 years ago #Apple #Newton #History #VintageComputing

A new guide in the Adafruit Learning System: Apple Newton – A Personal Digital Assistant from 25 years ago

The Newton was a Personal Digital Assistant developed by Apple in the late 80s and early 90s. Though it might not look too advanced now, at the time it was fairly revolutionary. It was the first PDA to use handwriting recognition and the first Apple product to use an ARM CPU.

There were earlier PDAs (though the term was actually first used by Apple CEO John Sculley to refer to the Newton) from brands like Psion, but they were more like electronic address books than full-fledged computers. The Psion Series 3, released a year before the Newton, was much more capable but used a clamshell design with a full keyboard. The Newton’s design was very different.

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