NEW GUIDE: Circuit Playground Express Glowing Disembodied Hand #AdafruitLearningSystem #Halloween #CircuitPlaygroundExpress @Adafruit @KathyCeceri


Kathy Ceceri

A new guide in the Adafruit Learning System: a Circuit Playground Express (CPX) Glowing Disembodied Hand

Whether it’s crawling across the floor, popping out of a grave, or snapping its fingers to a catchy tune, the disembodied hand is a scary movie staple. It’s also the perfect prop for your Halloween display — especially when you add flashing lights and eerie music!

This version is quick to make and easy enough for kids to do themselves (or with a little adult help).

The hand itself is made completely of masking tape. Inside is a circuit made with peel-and-stick fabric conductive tape. The lights in the fingers are Adafruit LED Sequins, but you could even use ordinary LEDs. And the palm lights and the coding are all done in simple to use, block-based Microsoft MakeCode on the Adafruit Circuit Playground Express (CPX for short).

Feeling fancy? Instead of Sequins, this guide also shows you a solder-free way to attach an Adafruit NeoPixel LED Dots Strand, and run pre-made animations or control each individual color-changing light with MakeCode.

Ready to pay a call on this disembodied hand? Let’s get started!

See this new guide here > > >