Open Source Hardware Month at SparkFun (video) @sparkfun #OHM2019 #oshwa @ohsummit #opensource #opensourcehardware @opensourceorg

On Monday, October 1st, SparkFun kicked off Open Source Hardware (OSH) Month by hosting a panel of OSH experts (video).

The panelists expertise ranged from OSH product development to business development to art to education. The panelists included:

For panelists bios visit:
To see summarized highlights from the panel visit:

Open source hardware month @ Adafruit:


October is open-source hardware month! Every single day in October we’ll be posting up some open-source stories from the last decade (and more!) about open-source hardware, open-source software, and beyond!

Have an open-source hardware (or software) success story? A person, company, or project to celebrate? An open-source challenge? Post up here in the comments or email, we’ll be looking for, and using the tag #OHM2019 online as well! Check out all the events going on here!