OsMA AI Terrarium #ArtTuesday #likes4life #Selfies @Osma.ai
OsMA AI Terrarium is an art project created by multimedia Artist Camila Magrane. By following and liking the instagram representation of the AI you help keep the physical (terrarium) alive.
OsMa is an interactive sculpture that explores internet identity and the psychological dependence of a social network.
She is an Artificial Intelligence with a terrarium body. Though her intellect is composed of computer parts and complex algorithms she behaves like any other modern social being with a motive to be accepted and “liked.”
OsMA interacts with the world by maintaining her own instagram account. The interactions she has with her social media network impact her overall mood and physical well-being. Every time Osma receives a new “like” or “follower” her mood is enhanced, allowing for her body’s terrarium to stay lit and for drops of water to be released in the plant soil.
Learn more on Camila Magrane’s page and check her out on Instagram @osma.ai