Play old Arcade Classics on the Teensy4.0 #Gaming #Teensy #RetroComputing #VintageComputing

Jean-Marc on the forums posts about porting the MAME arcade emulator to the powerful Teensy4.0 microcontroller board.

Emulation of various Arcade systems (1978-1985) from Space Invaders to Moon Patrol.
The emulator is splitted in few projects running specific systems due to memory usage.
(see complete list of roms emulated in games.txt)
It is based on the early MAME0.36 source code
Please compile for smallest code on the Teensy4.0 else you will run out of memory

The hardware:

  • Teensy4.0
  • ILI9341 or ST7789 SPI display
  • SD card (Teensy uses built-in uSD)
  • Analog joypad (Arduino or PSP like)
  • 3 buttons (FIRE, USER1 and USER2)

The software is hosted on GitHub here.

See demo videos above and below.


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