Pulse//Wave – Performance by Michele Abolaffio & Giuliano Anzani

Intriguing art piece from Michele Abolaffio and Giuliano Anzani.

Write-up on the STEIM Project Blog.

Pulse//Wave explores the sonic nature of bodies and objects.
Two performers are challenged to tame material’s sound behaviour. Resonances are amplified and exposed through excitation and interaction. Hidden patterns reveal through sound: matter and flesh become instruments.
Pulse//Wave is a performance that uses a feedback system as an exploration medium. Contact speakers, applied on the wooden panel, excite the material. Contact microphones, placed on the performer’s skin, capture the sound and shape it through the body. Gestures and degrees of pressure influence the feedback behaviour and become tools for musical expression. The tactile response of the panel provides a further degree of control. The excitation of the structure is revealed by the physical response between the panel and the performer’s gesture.

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