Sci-Fi & Fantasy Indie Bookseller Picks: Books Are Magic in Brooklyn, NY | #SciFiSunday

Great post from Abby Rauscher up on

Stories—both consuming and creating—are our lifeline. They might be 700-page novels about a guy in Dublin; they could be 20-hour video games about a college dropout reckoning with the slow economic demise of her hometown, and the mysterious cult dropping bodies left and right. Both are important. Both are critical to the way we engage with language, narrative, and characters; both can carry hefty themes that linger in the back of your mind long after you’ve finished. If we embrace the variety of mediums through which a story can effectively be told, the methods of expression available to us become more rich, more latent with potential. This translates into artistic and musical literacy in in addition to exposing ourselves to different styles and techniques of writing itself.

If you can’t come to this bustling Brooklyn neighborhood, this wonderful, magical bookstore, to hear it from me in person: here’s the truth.

You might not be reading “real books” right now, not for fun.

That doesn’t mean you’re not reading.

If you are or love a reluctant reader, here are five titles that may not be “real books”, but whose stories are real enough in all the ways that matter.

Read more.