The Orbital Index, a great space newsletter … @orbitalindex @tectonic @blach … @maholli404

Adafruit 2019 2684

Issue No. 32 | The Orbital Index is out and it’s one of the best newsletters that we subscribe to, AND there’s a mention about our interview with Max Holliday in this one too!


Adafruit interviewed Max Holiday about KickSat-2 and the 100 3cm x 3cm LEO nanosatellites that it deployed, Max’s PyCubed project at Stanford University, and using CircuitPython in space.

Space: weekly, technical, curated …

The Orbital Index is a curated newsletter from Andrew Cantino and Ben Lachman highlighting interesting technical developments in space, space startups, and related items of interest. Will arrive in your inbox weekly.

We started writing The Orbital Index as a way to share some of the most interesting articles and resources we kept running across while pursuing our personal interests in space and space startups. We ended up sharing a lot of these on a Slack channel we were both part of and eventually ended up collaborating to write the newsletter you’re now (hopefully) reading each week.

You can find us in a bunch other places as well:
Twitter: @orbitalindex@tectonic (Andrew), @blach (Ben)
Facebook: The Orbital Index
Web: AndrewBen

Read the latest one, and subscribe.