TubeCube – a VFD tube MiniBadge add-on #BadgeLife #Tubes #Displays @Hamster @Hackaday

Hackaday highlights @Hamster’s TubeCube tube segment driver.

The TubeCube is built to fit the MiniBadge badge addon standard, which is primarily used to host modules on the SAINTCON conference badge. A single TubeCube hosts a VFD tube, hardware to provide a 70 V supply, and a microcontroller for communication and control. Each TubeCube is designed to accept ASCII characters via UART to display on it’s display, but they can also be chained together for even more excitement. We’re not sure how [hamster] would be able to physically wear the beast in the video above, but if he can find a way, they all work together. If you’re interested in seeing the dead simple UART communication scheme take a look at this file.

Hamster’s GitHub repository has a schematic and sources, which should be enough to build a small tube driver of your own.

Read more along with videos on Hackaday.