Why 300K people are reading books on the NYPL’s Instagram

P 1 90392917 why the next great reading platform may be instagram

Books on Instagram? I’m still a staunch defender of a good ole fashion book in print, but I can’t deny the world is changing. The animations are undeniably beautiful, and all texts sourced from Project Gutenberg. And, in the spirit of Sheryl Crow, if it gets you reading, it can’t be that bad…

Recent post from FastCompany.

In August 2018, Instagram followers of the New York Public Library were tapping through their Insta Stories when something unexpected showed up: the full text of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, designed for a small screen, with small animations that brought the story to life as you flipped.

The project, known as Insta Novels, is part of the NYPL’s goal to reach beyond its walls and convince more people to read books. In pursuit of this mission, the institution has turned to one of the largest social media platforms in the world, bringing classic literature to Instagram’s 400 million daily active users.

Read more straight from the source here.