Windows Desktop Pets (eSheep) from the 1990s are back! #Windows #Desktop

Thanks to @dosnostalgic on Twitter posting about eSheep, an open source program by Adriano Petrucci which recreates the Windows Desktop Pets from the 1990s.

Can you remember eSheep, the lovely desktop sheep? 
If you had a lot of them on the desktop… welcome to this page!
This project gives you the possibility to add a pet to your desktop.

This application is not a game, not an utility and not useful 😛 it simply shows you a pet on the screen. This pet can fall down up to the taskbar and is able to detect windows on your desktop. In this way, this pet is able to walk, run, etc around your working screen area (also on multiscreens).

The project is on GitHub and available for Windows (7 to 10), as a Win10 App, for webpages (Javascript), and has tools to create your own pets (toasters anyone??).

eSheep for 64bit systems

See the GitHub io site here and the GitHub repo.