25 Days of Making launching for 2019 #25daysofmaking @aaronmaureredu

Aaron Maurer is again leading 25 Days of Making this year.

Dear all my maker friends,

Almost one year ago we completed the first edition of 25 days of making. It was an incredible experience of many people sharing some wonderful maker projects on their own time. Each day for 25 days(we ended up with 30 in all) we unveiled a new project for you to make and do with your students or perhaps just yourself.

Last year I had zero intentions of doing it again. It was a lot of work and a lot of fun, but just something of an experiment. However, I have continued to get requests for another round and I could not say no.

The 2019 edition will start soon!

Here are three things for you to know as we prepare behind the scenes for another 25 days of making.

1. Head to the new 2019 25 Days of Making Website and watch the intro video (below).

2. Sign up for the newsletter to get emails for the project when it begins.

3. I need a few more makers to round out the projects this year. If you would like to share a project or know of someone, please let me know. We are in the planning and development stages right now so I want to make sure everyone is ready to go come December.

Let me know your thoughts, let me know if interested in sharing a project, and I cannot wait to start this up again in about a month.

All right, back to the work and making.


See the 25 Days of Making website here.