Building a countdown timer challenge game #Adafruit #FromTheForums #Feather @Adafruit

From the Adafruit forums, user XRAD is building a 4 player countdown timer challenge game.

Here is a sneak peek at another one of my ADD projects. Using an adafruit music maker feather wing for sounds, teensy 3.2 for main processor, and a bunch of Ada parts. Basically a 4 player countdown timer challenge. Time set by Auto or Player mode. Object is to find correct pattern in time allowed. Should be a cool integration of timer codes, audio, score keeping, and sound/light effects!

Currently, I have the timer countdown , 1.2 seven segment display, piezo buzzer, rotary encoder, and neopixel ring functioning. Next challenge is to write the game modes and add the real cool audio/light effects. Unit will also operate as a BT portable boom box so also waiting on some amp and speaker parts.

See the forum post here and a demo video below.