Computer Archeology Website #Archive #History #VintageComputing #VintageGaming


Computer Archeology is a digital museum dedicated to “digging in” to old game code and operating systems. It is a great resource for exploring and preserving vintage programs!

Via Computer Archeology:

This web site is about digging up old, forgotten computer systems and cracking open the code that ran on them. Think of each program as a different “dig site”. I am a nerdy Indiana Jones. My goal is to find the original programmer’s spirit, ideas, and ingenuity in the code — the programmer’s “flavor”. There are code gems and wise idea-nuggets in these programs buried in the ancient (decades past) ROMs of old. My goal is to dust them off and put them on display for all to share. Welcome to my museum!

This site is auto-generated from the markdown files in a public github repository. All of the web content and tools are here: You will find plenty of tools — assemblers, disassemblers, formatters, etc — and the disassembly text files (free from HTML markup).

Want to add your own disassembly to this site? Or want to enhance/correct my work? Fork the github repo and send me a merge request — I’ll add your work to the museum.

There is a ton of neat stuff to explore here! This tip was sent in in by Christopher, Thanks for sharing!

from Adafruit Industries – Makers, hackers, artists, designers and engineers!