Death Stranding Walkthrough: Episode 7 - Clifford

After the hard yards of Episode 6 in Death Stranding, Episode 7 brings another break of sorts. While it's quite straightforward and exposition heavy (a trend that will continue), it does introduce a few new wrinkles that you might need to watch out for. That's what this guide is for! If you're not quite at Episode 7 yet, you might want to go back to one of our existing walkthroughs for a previous chapter:

SPOILER WARNING! We're trying to make sure these walkthroughs are as spoiler-free as possible when it comes to the main story beats. However, if you're looking at this guide and you're not actually up to Episode 7 yet, then it goes without saying that you're going to be at least a little bit spoiled scrolling through here. TURN AWAY NOW IF YOU'RE NOT UP TO EPISODE 4.

Now the thing to keep in mind is that a big part of Death Stranding is the flexibility of the environment and the creativity of how you want to forge a path forward. There are a whole heap of different ways to tackle each mission, and on top of that, the map you encounter might also be different to the one you see in this guide--that's thanks to the multiplayer aspect of the game, where members of the community will clear different paths and place helpful structures in different ways depending on your personal game.

That said, this walkthrough will give you a good idea about what you need to do. It can offer one viable path to success if you're at a bit of a loss, or if you just want some inspiration to get you started.

Before you start, definitely check out the broader tips in our Death Stranding guide hub to get your head around some must-have tips to always keep in mind, as well as get your head around what you can expect a little later down the line. Things will definitely get a little less tough over time with the right preparation!

Have a question or a great alternative route we didn't think of? Leave a comment and we'll do our best to address it!

Episode 7 - Fighting In The Streets

Whoa! At the end of the last episode, we were just about to meet up with Guillermo Del Toro at his cabin and have a nice night in together, and now we're… here? What happened?

Well, no time to sit around and soak in the atmosphere, time to go to the sewers!

You'll notice that all the cargo you were carrying will be scattered across the street ahead (and potentially behind you). Move briskly from cover to cover and grab your stuff.

If you still have access to the armor plates you got from the Photographer last episode, equip them. If you need to leave some stuff behind, choose stuff that isn't useful for combat because, surprise, you're in a warzone.

Episode 7 - Tanks For The Memories

The street will open up a larger avenue where you'll see some tanks rolling by. Wait for them to pass before crossing the street and into the opening you see up ahead.

Episode 7 - Cover To Cover

The next significant street you have to make your way through has a gunner's nest firing down on it. Make use of the cover and corners available to you, and wait for an opening to sprint down.

Episode 7 - Let's Get Stinky

Once you're past the previous street, you'll end up in an open area with a canal running through it. On the far end, on the right hand side, you'll see a set of stairs leading down to it.

The entrance to the sewer, where you need to be, is just on the opposite side of the canal (you can just see it in this screenshot in the top-left)

Episode 7 - Shine A Light

Once you're down in the sewers, your odradek will turn into a spotlight. If you're scared, don't worry. Nothing is going to jump out at you during this section. Make your way through with confidence.

Episode 7 - Stock Up

Have you been noticing the blood bags and grenades strewn around down here? Make sure to pick them up! You're going to need them soon.

The blood bag pictured in this screenshot is on a ledge, and just past that you'll find a set of stairs that will lead straight to your next objective and a cutscene.

Episode 7 - Reunited At Last

Hey, look at that! You finally got BB back. What a happy and not at all bittersweet reunion.

Climb up the ladder to continue.

Episode 7 - Time To Go To Church

You'll end up in an open church area, with a Level 2 Assault Rifle just up ahead. You know what that means?

Episode 7 - Soldiers From Hell

Heeeeell yeah it means you're about to shoot the video game demon soldiers with flames coming out of their bodies!

There's plenty of cover in this area, so crouch behind some sandbags, equip your assault rifle, and shoot these hell soldiers.

PSA: Make sure you switch your ammo type (Triangle button in the weapons menu or while aiming) so you're not accidentally using hematic rounds. Hematic rounds will drain your blood, meaning you'll have less health in reserve. Regular rounds are fine for this section.

Episode 7 - Don't Make Me Do This, Mads!

Mads Mikkelsen will be amongst those soldiers, but he's far more aggressive. So play it safe, stay behind cover so you can take a breather if you need to, and take him down (remember, the game will go into slow motion to confirm your kills)

At the end of this fight, you might notice that you're running out of ammunition. Thankfully, there are additional guns and grenades strewn across the arena, and I definitely recommend you make it a priority to pick them up and make sure you always have a spare weapon on hand--punching these enemies isn't exactly an effective tactic.

Follow your odradek in order to track down where your next fight will be. Mads will also leave red footprints, which can be tracked after an odradek scan.

Episode 7 - Mad Mikkelsen

Now, be aware that Mads has a couple of new tricks up his sleeve from the last time you saw him in Episode 7. He now has a kind of flame projectile he can send your way to damage you (pictured) and he can quickly create new soldiers to hassle you with if you leave him alone for long enough.

My strategy here was to keep moving, for one, and to try and close the distance quickly and take advantage of the shotgun's fast firing rate and reload--he'll stagger for half a second and it's easy to keep him in this loop if your shots are mostly on-target.

Episode 7 - Grenade Me, Maybe

If you manage to track Mads' footprints and have a good idea of where the next cluster of soldiers will be, using a grenade can make quick work of them.

You'll need to take him and his soldiers down a total of three times, so make sure you're stocking up on spare weapons and blood packs around the arena.

Episode 7 - Another Shower

Once you're done taking care of Mads, you'll be treated to a few cutscenes and find yourself back in the private room. Take a shower to continue. This game is all about showering now.

Leave your room when the game lets you stop showering.

Episode 7 - Time To Find The Heart

But wait! This episode isn't over yet, we still have one more big mountain hike to do!

We're going to visit our pal Heartman in the flesh, and guess where he lives? Oh, do you think it might be next to the ridiculously enormous lake shaped like a freaking heart just south of Mountain Knot City?

Yeah. Yeah, I think that's right.

Episode 7 - Corpse Party Ain't Over

Oh look, and Heartman wants you to deliver a corpse to him. That's just swell.

Climbing up mountains with a corpse on your back will be extra troublesome because of their tendency to throw you off balance more easily, but thankfully, we still have that intricate system of zip lines we established all around the mountains from last episode to help us out. Right? Am I right?

Before you head out, make sure you're wearing your all-terrain legs and power gloves. Stock up on Level 2 PCCs just in case you need to continue to expand the intricate series of zip lines you established in the last chapter.

If you don't have many zip lines set up, and you'll be climbing up in a more manual fashion, note that you'll have to stash your climbing gear in a floating carrier--the corpse must be carried on your back.

Episode 7 - Zip Line Friends!

You can either head directly south of Mountain Knot City up the steep, snowy mountain to get a head start, or head over to the Doctor's place for a roundabout, but more gradual route up (you'll likey need to use quite a few ladders and climbing anchors to safely tackle the ups and downs.)

If you do take this slightly longer route, rest assured that once you hit the snow, it's an easier (albeit steep) route.

OR you can be a cool person and ride that sweet zip line over to the Doctor's place and up the mountain!

Episode 7 - Wheeeee!

Do you think the corpse is enjoying this rush as much as Norman Reedus is?

Episode 7 - Reedus Express, Coming Through!

Almost there!

Episode 7 - And Here We Are!

So easy, am I right? If you had to trek up here manually, good on you for making it! I hope you have learned the value of zip lines from seeing all the fun I am having in this walkthrough.

Marvel at Heartman's architectural wonder of a mountain cabin, head up the stairs, turn in the corpse, and get comfy for some seriously long cutscenes.

That's all for Episode 7! That was pretty short, wasn't it? Our Episode 8 walkthrough will be coming in shortly, so stay tuned for that!