Dr. Henrietta Mann #NativeAmericanHeritageMonth

Adafruit NativeAmericanHeritageMonth 2019 blog

Dr. Henrietta Mann is a founding member of the AISES Council of Elders and an AISES mentor. Dr Mann was the first Endowed Chair in Native American Studies at MSU Bozeman, the Director (and a professor) of Native American Studies at UM Missoula, served for the Bureau of Indian Affairs as the Director of the Office of Indian Education Programs and Deputy to the Assistant Secretary and was the National Coordinator American Indian Religious Freedom Act Coalition for the Association on American Indian Affairs.


This was an era of activism, and Dr. Mann saw a propitious opening to share information about Native culture and traditions at a public college. “It was here that I found my voice,” she recalls. “I felt inspired to share our wonderful Native ways with the students, the majority of whom were non-Natives. I said to myself, ‘this is where I belong.’”

Read more from AISES, MSU, Seventh Generation Fund and Indian Country Today. There are 6 great videos featuring Dr. Henrietta Mann from Honoring Nations on YouTube too!