Facebook Ads removed our permissions, still charges us money @facebook @fbnewsroom #facebook @sherylsandberg



Limor Fried, the founder and engineer of Adafruit and the only admin that is listed on our Facebook Ads Account cannot do anything with our Adafruit Facebook Ads account on Facebook as of 3 weeks ago, for 3 weeks we only receive the message: “You lack permissions for perform that action” when trying to use the Facebook Ads account as usual.

We’ve contacted Facebook Ads support numerous times, the Facebook ads folks we could find email addresses for, tweeted to the Facebook Ads twitter account, no replies anywhere and no assistance. We cannot add others to manage the ads account like our CFO (for any role, or any “friend”), or do anything – AND – all of this time it continues to bill/charge us of course.

SO! We are documenting this here as we escalate this via emails and however we can. If anyone has a contact at Facebook please let us know.

In the past Limor’s account was banned/blocked after she had to upload her photos to prove she was Limor Fried, because she was a public figure, the “AI” needed that, this is what were were told… then Facebook assumed it was not Limor and then banned her account. The CSO at the time helped us out, he is not there any longer, so we’re in Facebook limbo again it seems.

from Adafruit Industries – Makers, hackers, artists, designers and engineers! https://ift.tt/2CHOXFu