Game Hacking in Fallout 76

Fallout 76 has been a massive tire fire, all the way from its release to its paid membership program. I think fans, including myself, clung to this game with the hope it would get better over time, but it has been a continued disappointment. This was one of the rare MMORPG games that I hacked early on but didn't write about for a long time because I genuinely hoped the devs would wake up one day and fix this game. But this game is just too disappointing not to write about from a bug perspective. I think these issues represent poor testing practices and being completely tone deaf to their community. Simply, I was able to power level my character and make a ton of extra caps while doing it, positioning me for end game content with very little in-game investment. The hacks I took advantage of hinged on two things. The first was you could continually disarm a trap forever, getting resources and experience. I wrote a simple AutoIT script to loop through this action and farm this experience for me night and day. I was never kicked off the server for botting nor was my character deleted for leveling too quickly or anything like that. At several points I even hit a max int for the amount of fuel I could hold in my inventory. The next one was an infinite carry weight bug that allowed me to hold an insane amount of items or equipment, and still move freely. One simply had to equip and unequip a pocketed piece of equipment fast enough to trigger the bug, again something that was very easy to script in AutoIT. The goal would be to drive your max carry weight down to a negative integer, which I assume was actually being evaluated absolutely, giving you an "infinite" carry weight. The following video demonstrates both bugs, although I didn't make a video at the time. It's hilarious to me that these bugs existed for so long, and with no repercussions to the characters such as mine that climbed into the hundreds only taking advantage of bugs. It really breaks the leveling and economy aspects to the game, which matter a lot more in a PVP setting like Fallout76.

It's shocking to me how long these bugs or hacks existed in the game, even while being publicly known. It really points to the developers of this game being super out of touch with their own community. Take for example one of the current hacks, an item duplication bug. Granted I haven't played the game for several months, so I'm not currently exploiting this bug, but here's an item dupe that has been known about for months and still works after the most recent patches. These aren't small bugs either, if you can script or abuse a bug to power level your character it breaks the balance of a multiplayer / pvp game. It makes me wonder what the developers spend their time on, because it doesn't feel like they are fixing this broken game: