Google Chrome Will Soon Warn You If a Website Is Slow

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Have you ever wondered if a website is slowing you down or your internet connection is to blame for the delay in accessing a webpage? Well, Google is planning to add a warning to Chrome that lets you know the website’s usual access speeds and load times.

In a blog post, the Chromium team revealed its plans to add badges to “identify sites that typically load fast or slow for users”. However, the feature will undergo changes in implementation while the team experiments to find the best possible approach to let the user know about the website’s speed.

“Badging is intended to identify when sites are authored in a way that makes them slow generally, looking at historical load latencies. Further along, we may expand this to include identifying when a page is likely to be slow for a user based on their device and network conditions.”, reads the blog post.

As of now, Google plans to add warning messages on loading screens and color-sensitive progress bars. The software giant hinted that its criteria for performance evaluation will get more strict which may include “signals beyond just speed”.

Take a look at the early version of the website speed indicator below. If you take a closer look, you will see that Google’s Blog on the right has a green progress bar indicating that the website loads comparatively faster.

If you’re interested to evaluate your website’s performance using Google’s PageSpeed Insights, enter your website’s URL here. PageSpeed Insights will provide suggestions for optimizing the speed. You can also check out Lighthouse, Google’s automated tool for performance evaluation.

So, do you think this is a step in the right direction for making the internet faster and skipping the annoying load times? Let us know your thoughts in the comments.

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