Gray Area: a theater combing art and technology for social impact #ArtTuesday #GrayArea @GrayAreaorg
Cool write up from Fast Company on Gray Area, an art space in San Francisco.
Now occupying the former Grand Theater in the city’s Mission District, Gray Area continues to work at the intersection of art and technology to provide educational opportunities and studio spaces for residents in the increasingly gentrified neighborhoods of San Francisco. For example, Melchor’s organization helped raise $1.5 million for victims of the 2016 Oakland Ghost Ship fire.
“The reason it’s called Gray Area is that there’s really not a better way for us to describe artists using technology as a medium,” Melchor says. “There is a really big dichotomy between the two industries, and so Gray Area plays this role of cultural development and cross-sector collaboration and innovation.”
Read more and be sure to check out Gray Area