HackSpace Magazine Issue 25: Maker Christmas: the Crickit Robotics Board #Crickit #Robotics @Adafruit @HackSpaceMag


HackSpace Magazine Issue 25 recommends the Adafruit Crickit Robotics Boards among its modules, add-ons, shields and HAT boards for gift giving.

Adafruit’s CRICKIT is a Swiss Army knife for maker projects. It’s got NeoPixel outputs, sound output, motor drivers, servo connectors, capacitive touch input, and high current outputs. You probably won’t need all this for any one project, but it probably has all the bits you need for many of your projects, so it’s one accessory that you can use over and over again. What’s even better is that it comes in flavours that can attach to Circuit Playground Expresses, Raspberry Pis, micro:bits, and any Feather-compatible board, so you can use it with whatever controller board you like.

Read more on page 38 of this month’s issue of HackSpace Magazine – download PDF, buy hardcopy, subscribe.

For more on Crickit, see this page on Adafruit.com.