Machine Learning Comes to #BadgeLife with Adafruit’s EdgeBadge @hacksterio @tensorflow #machinelearning #tinyML #tensorflow @arduino #arduino

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Machine Learning Comes to #BadgeLife with Adafruit’s EdgeBadge –

Earlier this year, we wrote about Adafruit porting TensorFlow Lite to the Arduino IDE. At the time, they demonstrated voice recognition using their PyGamer board and an add-on microphone. Adafruit’s newest board is the EdgeBadge, which is about the size of a credit card (~86 mm x ~54 mm). It is a follow-on to the PyGamer, which means it comes with an Arm Cortex-M4F running at 120 MHz with 192 KB of RAM and 512 KB of flash. The goal is to run TensorFlow Lite on this small development platform. For that reason, the EdgeBadge also includes a 2 MB QPSI flash. You can use the extra flash for stuff like sounds, images, or TensorFlow Lite files.

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