Made in NYC 10/31/2019 Featuring #Adafruit #CircuitPlaygroundBluefruit @Adafruit

Made in NYC 10/31/2019 Featuring Adafruit Circuit Playground Bluefruit

Creepy Halloween mask from years past (0:04)

Testing the 3.5″ TFT Touchscreen Breakout Board (0:07)

Programming the chip for Conway’s Game of Life Kit (0:49)

Programming the chip for the TV-B-Gone (0:56)

Stenciled panel of Circuit Playground Bluefruits (pic) (1:06)

A freshly stenciled Circuit Playground Bluefruit panel (1:08)

Programming the stencil machine for the new Circuit Playground Bluefruit board (1:16)

A quick tour of stencil patterns from our stencil machine (1:36)

Sunset! (1:49)

See more Made in NYC!