Maker Update: Pumpkin Spice Reflow [Maker Update #148] @makerprojectlab @adafruit edition! #adafruit #makerupdate @photoresistor

Maker Update: Pumpkin Spice Reflow [Maker Update #148] Adafruit Edition – (video above)

This week on Maker Update: A shouting pumpkin, Build your own Feather module, be goose do crimes, dripping skills, boiling cauldrons and open source e-readers.

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Show Notes [Maker Update #148]

Project of the Month

Talking Bluetooth Pumpkin


Take Flight with Feather contest

Adafruit hardware at TensorFlow world

Buy One Give One at Adafruit with Black Girls CODE is back! Thank you Digi-Key!

Adafruit Projects

Animatronic Fizzgig Monster M4sk

Goose Game Monster M4sk controller

Meat Skull Centerpiece

Monster Mask Voice Changer

Monster M4sk is Watching You

Ooze Master 3000

BLE Glowing Mini Cauldron

More Projects

EZ Make Oven


All 35 posts from Open hardware month in one spot

The Open Book Project – an open eBook reader

CircuitPython snakes its way to the SparkFun Qwiic Micro

CircuitPython on Sony Spresense

CircuitPython on Arduino Nano BLE

Product Spotlight

Adafruit STEMMA Non-Latching Mini Relay

Maker Update is a weekly video series covering news, projects, tips, and events that will interest the maker and DIY community.

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