Marvel Tells Politician to Stop Using Captain America in Campaign

A politician recently dressed up as Captain America and Marvel was not happy about it.

New York City councilman Ben Kallos received a cease and desist letter from Eli Bard, Marvel’s deputy chief counsel, on Nov. 15, noted. The request was sent after Kallos reportedly used a picture of himself sporting Captain America’s suit in a fundraising email called “Superhero Alert.”

On Friday, Kallos shared the letter on Twitter and said he “got a kick out of it.” The letter asked Kallos to stop using Marvel characters, including Captain America, for “political purposes.”

“I write to request that your campaign refrain from using Marvel’s characters in its advertisements for your quest for the Borough Presidency or otherwise,” Bard wrote in the letter. “While Marvel appreciates your obvious affection for our properties and welcome your support as a fan, we ask that our characters not be used for political purposes or to support political campaigns.”

Kallos did not specify whether he would agree to Marvel’s request.

“If folks really want to know how the rest of the story turns out, they should subscribe and tune in to the next issue,” he told Fox News.

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