Open Source LittlevGL GUI Library on Adafruit Touch LCDs #Adafruit @McuOnEclipse

Running graphical user interfaces (GUIs) on microcontroller boards is a tough thing to do. On the MCU on Eclipse blog, they post a project integrating a NXP LPC55S69-EVK and adding an Adafruit display with either a capacitive or resistive touch interface.

Software and Hardware used

An example project with all the files is available on GitHub. The software is configured to use the capacitive or resistive touch display. I recommend using the capacitive touch version, as the touch is much more accurate and there is no need for manual calibration.

Wiring to Feater LCD
The board can be used with the Adafruit Feather LCD board too

The Adafruit ILI9341 based touch displays are a great and easy way to extend a board like the NXP LPC55S69 with a state-of-the art open source GUI library. The project presented here supports both the capacitive and resistive touch displays from Adafruit.

See the blog post for the full details and references.