Paytm has launched OTP-less offline and online card payments feature for transactions under Rs. 2,000. "This move will improve the overall payment flow in terms of transaction completion time and success rates while delivering superior user experience," said the company. Paytm has also tied up with Flipkart-owned Myntra that lets you pay using Paytm (cards, wallet & UPI). Regarding this, Paytm, said: A large number of our users spend less than Rs. 2,000 for their everyday frequent payments. The convenience of OTP-less single click payments will result in increased conversions in a more secure and convenient way. To avail the service, our customers can enable their saved card or add a new card for instant payments at offline retail stores or while using any of their Paytm services and also at the partnered platforms such as Uber, Zomato, Jio among many others.
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