Ryan Reynolds (yes, that one) now owns a cellphone carrier

Mint Cellular, a wi-fi service identified for its inexpensive cell plans, announced nowadays that it has a novel proprietor: Ryan Reynolds. That’s proper. Issues voice of Deadpool is at present part-owner of a sanctorum service supplier.

Founded along issues dragoon replevin, it doesn’t appear arsenic although Reynolds goes to do drastic adjustments to issues firm, which arsenic an MVNO (surgery cellular meshwork digital manipulator), presently presents its service across T-Cellular’s meshwork. All we actually sociality from issues announcement is that Reynolds “testament assist with Mint’s communications and merchandising efforts arsenic good arsenic strategical decision-making.” Hopefully, this agency, someways, Tec Pikachu testament live promoting Mint Cellular plans throughout issues Tremendous Trough inward Feb.

Reynolds too owns half of Aviation American Gin, which, in line with leak Verge staffer, makes “jolly sound noose, really.” Hither’s his pitch video for it — and it’s Adv! If Reynolds helps Mint do sound movies lips this, I’m okay with his purchasing it.