Some of our favorite WIRED Magazine covers … @WIRED and what is on newsstands November 2019 “We are what we celebrate”

Wired 12-2019

WIRED Magazine had a “Our Favorite 25 WIRED Covers of All Time” feature, so! here are ours (pictured above). Ladyada (no surprise there), Ayah, and most recently – Nimo.

WIRED _had_ a section of all the covers, but it looks like it stopped getting updated in 2017?, however Coverjunkie has many / most of the WIRED covers.

Magazine covers, even now, are still are one the places we as a society decide to celebrate specific people in some way. For business and tech publications, who we put on the cover and why says what’s important to us, what we’ve done, and where we are going.

For years we’ve done a feature here on Adafruit called “We are what we celebrate” which is a quick look at what is one the newsstands. Check out all the posts “We are what we celebrate” on the Adafruit blog.

What was on the newsstands November 2019! Here are few from the tech and biz section(s).

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