Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order Purge Trooper Guide - Strategies For How To Beat Each One

How To Purge The Purge Troopers

To aid in the capture and execution of Jedi fugitives, Darth Vader trained powerful Force users to use the Dark Side--creating the Imperial Inquisitors. In turn, the Inquisitors offered special instruction to certain Stormtroopers, molding them into Purge Troopers--soldiers skilled enough to hold their own against a Force user. Outside of tangling with bounty hunters and the Inquisitors, these Purge Troopers pose the greatest threat in Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order.

There are four different types of Purge Troopers in Fallen Order, each of which can be identified by their weapon of choice. Most of the Purge Troopers you'll encounter early on will be armed with an electrostaff, but some charge at you with electrobatons in the early game, too. In the mid- and late-game, you'll also start fighting Purge Troopers armed with electrohammers or rifles. The ones that carry a rifle are Purge Trooper Commanders, and the most difficult to deal with in the game. In the following guide, we detail how to beat them.

Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Order

For more Star Wars Jedi: Fallen order guides, check out our beginner's guide and our feature on the best skills to unlock first. We also have guides detailing how to find the Scomp Link and one of the most useful weapons earlier. You can also read our full review, where editor Phil Hornshaw gave the game a 8/10 and said, "Fallen Order becomes perhaps the strongest conception of what playing as a Jedi Knight ought to really be like. It's true that Fallen Order borrows liberally from other action games, but those elements work together with Respawn's combat and environment design, and a story that finds humanity in the Force and in its characters, to hone in on what makes the world of Star Wars worthy of revisiting again and again. Even with some rough edges, Fallen Order represents one the most compelling game additions to the Star Wars franchise in years."

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Electrostaff Purge Troopers

Though the easiest of the four to deal with, Electrostaff Purge Troopers are still difficult targets, especially when they team up with other troopers. Purge Troopers that carry electrostaffs specialize in counter attacking; meaning if you parry their attacks, they will typically respond with another.

So unless you're confident in your ability to parry, the best strategy for dealing with an Electrostaff Purge Trooper's attack is to keep blocking or dodging until their combo plays out. Once the combo is finished, an Electrostaff Purge Trooper will pause before attacking again--this creates an opening to get a few hits in, though how long they pause will depend on your difficulty setting. The pause lasts a few seconds on Story difficulty, for instance, while on Grandmaster, you basically already need to be in the start of your lightsaber swing as the combo is finishing up.

Electrostaff Purge Troopers are specifically trained to counter Force Push and Force Pull, so you won't find much use in either power. When pushed, the Electrostaff Purge Trooper digs their staff into the ground to stop from being flung back--if you manage to upgrade your Force Push to Mass Push or Howling Push though, you emit enough force to stun the trooper and get in an attack. Likewise, upgrading Force Pull to Grasping Pull does allow you to yank the Electrostaff Purge Trooper towards you, but they'll simply lift their staff out of the ground and use the momentum of your own Force power to stab you while still in midair. Get ready to dodge or, if you're looking to attack, use Lightsaber Throw as the trooper is barrelling towards you.

Electrobaton Purge Troopers

The fastest of the four, Electrobaton Purge Troopers specialize in dodging and parrying. Though they don't counter attack as often as their electrostaff-wielding counterparts, Electrobaton Purge Troopers do have some pretty devastating combos that allow them to continue their attack even after you've countered the first few blows. If you want to take out an Electrobaton Purge Trooper, you must wear down their guard or use the Force.

If you're lucky enough to encounter an Electrobaton Purge Trooper next to a cliff, then Force Push or Pull them off. They cannot counter these Force powers as frequently as Electrostaff Purge Troopers. However, they can block Lightsaber Throw as well as pretty much every lightsaber attack. So when encountered in enclosed spaces, you'll have to be a little strategic. You'll probably notice that the Electrobaton Purge Trooper has one long combo that deals out a flurry of strikes, followed by a brief pause and then an unblockable attack. That brief pause is the best time to make your move, though, like the Electrostaff Purge Trooper, the length of that pause will depend on which difficulty you're playing on.

It's worth noting that, unless you attack the trooper enough times to stun them, that unblockable attack still comes after the pause. So you need to dodge immediately after attacking, especially on Master or Grandmaster difficulties where the pause is very short. Instead of dodging to the side, trying jumping backwards. Jumping backwards causes Cal to do a backflip that is good for dodging horizontal attacks, like the Electrobaton Purge Trooper's unblockable attack.

Electrohammer Purge Troopers

The Electrohammer Purge Troopers are the bruisers of the bunch, dealing out large amounts of damage with their massive axe-like weapons. Despite being powerful, these Purge Troopers are rather slow. You don't want to take them on with other troopers in the room, but in one-on-one fights, Electrohammer Purge Troopers are rather easy.

Electrohammer Purge Trooper have multiple unblockable attacks, so blocking and parrying aren't ideal defensive strategies. It's better to dodge away from their combos instead. Most of the Electrohammer Purge Trooper's attack are horizontal slashes as well, so a backwards flip is a viable defensive technique. Because of the heft of their weapon, Electrohammer Purge Troopers need to take a moment to ready themselves for an attack and pause after a large swing to recover. Both of these moments are when you want to attack.

When it comes to Force powers, Electrohammer Purge Troopers can counter almost every single one. Force Push and Pull aren't effective, and they'll block Lightsaber Throw. Force Slow is really your only option--and that ability is good for every enemy in Fallen Order. You're better off saving your Force energy in a fight against an Electrohammer Purge Trooper. Rely on your lightsaber instead.

Purge Trooper Commanders

Purge Trooper Commanders are the only type to prefer fighting from a distance. They also motivate fellow troopers to be more aggressive, making them highly dangerous--as they're almost always accompanied by additional Stormtroopers.

A Purge Trooper Commander will always try to put distance between the two of you, whether that's with unblockable laser fire or shock grenades that both damage and stun you. These troopers are also incredibly agile, dodging past your lightsaber strikes and trying to get behind you to shoot you in the back. If you try to use Force Pull to hold them in place, they'll just shoot at you while they're in midair. They'll dig in their heels to counter your Force Push and dodge past your Lightsaber Throw. Everything the Purge Trooper Commander does is designed to stop you from getting close.

So of course, the best way to beat them is to close the distance quickly by keeping them in front of you with Force Slow. To clear the herd of Stormtroopers that typically accompany a Purge Trooper Commander, use Force Push to send the Commander's shock grenades at their allies. Keep deflecting as much blasterfire as you can and dodging the ones you can't. Once the group has been cleared, zero in on the Commander. Dash Strike and Sprint Strike are both good lightsaber moves to use, as they're both designed around closing the distance on a target and dealing quick damage. You'll likely have to chase the Commander around for a bit--they're real good at slipping out of the reach of your lightsaber--but once their accompanying group is gone, they're a lot easier to deal with.

If you encounter a Purge Trooper Commander and another type of Purge Trooper at the same time, it's best to clear the Commander first. The other three will keep stalking you around the area as you chase after the Purge Trooper Commander--posing little threat if you maintain a slight distance. However, trying to fight one of the other three can be hard when a Purge Trooper Commander is also shooting you from afar.