Take Flight with Feather entries: MAX3421E and ADS1115 FeatherWings #FeatherContest @Hackaday @DigiKey @Adafruit

The Take Flight with Feather Contest is running from now to December 31st – see all the details in the kickoff post!

We’re going to highlight entries posted on Hackaday.io two at a time. Here are today’s entries:

MAX3421E FeatherWing

DaveDarko posts this entry:

The goal was to have a board that fits the FeatherWing standard and gives me the chance to prototype something with the SAMD21 and Ethernet board. Sadly the SAMD21 and the MAX3421E libraries didn’t play along well, so I had to stick to the Teensy++ 2.0 and lost track of this project. Never tested the boards until recently and noticed that VCC and 3V3 were never connected – fixed that now!

GearsNGenes ADS1115 FeatherWing

gearsNgenes posts this:

This device adapts the Adafruit Industries’ ADS1115 IC to the Feather form factor. The purpose of this device is the same as its predecessors: to convert analog voltage into a digital signal (called an AD Converter or ADC). In addition to converting between the type of signal, this FeatherWing can amplify the magnitude of the voltage it reads, as well.

Predominantly, I have used this FeatherWing to develop my own device that I have called the E.M.F. Meter, an educational tool that can be used to perform hands-on experiments in circuit analysis or in electromagnetism.

Ultimately, the goal of this FeatherWing is to assist in building complex circuits with little to no soldering. In a world where technology is being built around the feather, it is important that the shape and connectivity of the hardware match. Thus, I built a shield that matches the shape of the Feather so that it is easy to integrate into larger circuits.