The TinyCross Go-Kart – 4WD and servoless RC mode #GoKarts #Robotics

Shane Colton posts the latest work on the TinyCross Go-Kart:

I finished building up the second dual motor drive for TinyCross, which means that the electronics and wiring have finally caught up to the mechanical build and both are 100% complete!

That’s not to say that the project is 100% complete; there’s still some testing to be done to bring it all the way up to full power, as well as some weight reduction and weatherproofing tasks. But there are no more parts sitting in bins waiting for installation. It should be at peak mass, too, which is good because it’s 86lb (39kg) without batteries. The original target was 75lb (34kg) without batteries, but I will settle for 80lbs (36kg) if I can get there.

You can see the results in the video below and details in the blog post.