Twitter Topics makes it easier to follow conversations about any particular topic

Twitter announced in a blog post that they are introducing a new feature called Topics. This feature is designed to let users follow all the best tweets from a particular news topic that they choose. Topic suggestions will appear in your timeline and in search based on what the users tend to look for and already follow on Twitter. Hot takes? Always. Hot topics? Brand new. Now you can follow specific topics to discover the Tweets you care about. — Twitter (@Twitter) November 11, 2019 Previously, users had to do all the work by manually searching for the topic, following certain accounts or looking in the Explore Tab for the latest news. Now, Twitter gives the user the option of seeing the most relevant and interesting Tweets about what the user cares about with a single tap, and the conversation will be presented to the user. Users will first see Topic follow prompts in their timeline based on what they follow similar to how new accounts are found. The user will start to notice tweets and accounts related to the chosen topic in their feed soon after. Twitter says the suggestions will get better as it learns more about the users interests in topics. Once ...

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