WebKit Goals for 2020

  • Audiences
    • Users
    • Web Developers
    • Native Developers
    • WebKit
  • Users
    • Performance
      • Performance Defense
        • PLT5, JetStream 2, Speedometer 2, MotionMark, RAMification
      • New things to measure
        • IndexedDB, Promises, back-forward, JSC API, Battery life
      • Performance Ideas
        • Media query change handling
        • No sync IPC for cookies
        • Fast for-of iteration
        • Turbo DFG
        • Async gestures
        • Fast scrolling on macOS
        • Global GC
        • Service Worker declarative routing
    • Privacy
      • Address ITP bypasses, logged in API, in-app browser privacy, PCM with fraud prevention
    • Security
      • Authentication
        • WebAuthN external authenticators (NFC/USB) on iOS
        • Device-bound auth
      • Network Security
        • Disabling TLS 1.0 and 1.1
        • Automatic HTTPS Upgrades
        • No opener / Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy
      • JavaScript Hardening
        • JSC Fuzz-0
        • Use IsoSubspaxes for all GC objects
        • Software Verified JIT
      • WebCore Hardening
        • Achieve WebCore Fuzz-0
        • IsoHeaps for everything in WebContent
        • Automatic Smart Pointers
      • Sandbox Hardening
        • Stronger WebContent Sandbox
        • CoreIPC Fuzz-0
        • Get IOKit Out of WebContent
  • Web Developers
    • Web Platform: Catchup
      • Graphics & Animations
        • CSS overscroll-behavior
        • WebGL 2
        • Web Animations
      • Media
        • Media Session Standard
        • MediaStream Recording
        • Picture-in-Picture API
        • Remote Playback API (ask jer)
      • DOM, JavaScript & Text
        • Async Clipboard API
        • BigInt best-possible performance with JIT layers
        • DIalog element
        • HTML enterkeyhint attribute
        • Resize Observer
        • requestIdleCallback
        • Unicode 12
    • Web Platform: Innovation
      • CSS Shadow Parts
      • CSS ui-* font keywords (expose new system fonts, serif, monospace)
      • GenericCue (Captions besides WebVTT)
      • JS builtin modules
      • Prototype and spec for streamable fonts
      • Undo Web API
    • Web Platform: Quality
      • WPT
        • CSS (writing modes, overflow, multicol…)
        • Service Workers
        • SVG
        • XHR + Fetch
      • Other
        • tests262 100% pass rate
        • WebAudio low hanging fruit
    • Dev Tools
      • Improvements in every STP
        • Async stack traces for Promises
        • Stepping through Async Await
        • Network Throttling
        • Network Tab Overview + time range selection
        • User Timing
        • Timeline Filmstrip
        • Improve console UI
      • Larger Changes
        • Responsive Design Mode 2.0
        • Feature usage telemetry
  • Native Developers
    • Obsolete Legacy WebKit
      • WKWebView API needed for migration
      • Fix cookie flakiness due to multiple process pools
      • WKWebView APIs for Media
  • WebKit Developers
    • Architecture Health
      • Define “intent to implement” style process
      • Faster Builds (finish unified builds)
      • Next-gen layout for line layout
      • Regression Test Debt repayment
    • Service & Tools Improvements
      • IOSurface in Simulator
      • EWS Improvements 2020
      • Buildbot 2.0
      • WebKit on GitHub as a project (year 1 of a multi-year project)

Q & A

  • What architecture changes are associated with Turbo DFG
    • Open to different ideas: first will be removing the baseline, definitely a possibility of a 5th tier, first replacing baseline
  • Finishing unified builds: will there be a bot to verify non-unified will still operate?
    • No specific plans, but a worthy idea
  • Native dev: WKWebView for Media Applications?
    • Many apps that use WKWebView want to control how media playback works
    • About control of video in a web view
  • How do you decide what’s important to do next?
    • We look at a number of factors
    • It used to be a judgement call, now we’re codifying
    • We look at a number of signals
    • How much dev interest?
    • is there a harmful aspect?
    • WPT areas are similar:
      • Most tests failing in Safari, but not in FF or Chrome
    • Sometimes we use high-value websites

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