Wednesday Whimsies

Thanks and all the best
In this miscellany post, we update you on forthcoming events, report releases and calls for papers. But, before doing so, we unfortunately have to say goodbye to one of our GuestKats for the time being.

Thanks and all the best Mathilde!
Due to a number of obligations and activities, GuestKat Mathilde is suspending her collaboration with The IPKat. We hope to welcome her back to the blog in due course. In the meantime, we thank Mathilde for all her work and dedication! 


Developing and Least-Developed Countries and Intellectual Property Rights: Colonialist Features of the TRIPS Agreement
As part of the Queen Mary Intellectual Property Research Institute Lecture Series, Professor Gustavo Ghidni  (Emeritus Professor, University of Milan; Professor of IP and Competition LUISS, Rome) will be giving a lecture on the impact of the TRIPS agreement on Developing and Least-Developed countries, focussing on two normative profiles of the Agreement which bear on the position of the said countries, in international trade.
The lecture will be held on Tuesday 19 November 2019 from 4:45pm to 7:30pm at Room 3.1, Centre for Commercial Law Studies, 67-69 Lincolns Inn Fields, London, WC2A. Registration will be from 4:45pm at the CCLS Reception, and there will be a drinks reception from 7pm. You can register here.

Professor Derclaye delivers EUIPO webinar on the CJEU’s Cofemel decision
 Professor Derclaye will record a webinar at the European Union IP Office on the CJEU’s Cofemel decision (G-Star Raw v Cofemel, Case C-683/17). In this webinar, the decision of the CJEU, issued on 12 September 2019, is summarised and criticised. The webinar includes a discussion of the decision’s potential consequences on the Design Directive and Regulation. It will be live streamed on Tuesday 19 November 9am UK time at: and be available afterwards on the EUIPO academy website.

Call for Papers

ATRIP Essay Competition 2019 for Young Researchers in Intellectual Property Law
ATRIP's Executive Committee is proud to launch its annual essay competition for young researchers in IP Law! The paper, which should be between 5,000 and 10,000 words, may pertain to any topic related to IP law. Papers may be submitted in English or French, and all entries should be submitted to, no later than 17 February 2020.
The author of the paper should also be no older than 35 years of age as of December 31, 2020. For more information, click here.

Call for Paper Proposals - 'The Exploitation of Intellectual Property Rights: In Search of the Right Balance' - 39th ATRIP Congress
The 39th ATRIP Congress, which will be held in Seoul, Republic of Korea from August 30 - September 2, 2020), will be devoted to methods to ensure that enforcement and contractual practices support the goals of the IP system. ATRIP members are now encouraged to submit paper proposals in this area (see the full list of questions and more information here). Proposals should be sent no later than 1 February 2020 to

Submit an abstract for SNELS Spring 2020 Conference
The Swedish Network for European Legal Studies (SNELS) invites you to submit an abstract for its Spring 2020 conference. The conference will take place from 4-5 June 2020 in Stockholm, with the conference seeking to bring together legal researches who are at the forefront of their respective fields in order to identify, discuss, and help resolve the European Union’s many legal challenges over the next five years or so. Abstracts on any major legal issue of EU law are welcomed, including but not limited to intellectual property (see here).
Please send your abstract of 300 words and CV no later than 10 January 2020 to Dino Amorelli Federico ( For more information click here.

INTA releases latest economic impact study
INTA (International Trademark Association) recently released its latest economic impact study, revealing the importance of trade mark law to Latin American economic activity, employment and international trade.
Read the press release here; you can find the links to the full study, executive summary, study messaging toolkit and regional & country-specific infographics here.