What Looking Glass’ mask is made of #Watchmen #WearableWednesday #HBO #Polygon #SciFi


Looking Glass‘ mask on HBO’s new Watchmen series looks incredible. Unsurprisingly, but a little disappointingly, the mask is mostly CGI. But the team does a terrific job tying the practical with digital, creating a realistic effect.

Via Polygon:

Kasperlik used a variety of methods to accomplish the reflectiveness, rather than a single silver mask that could do the job. “We had five different masks,” the designer says, explaining that exactly what Nelson was wearing would change depending on the demands of the scene. Some of the masks were for motion tracking, featuring a special print that would aid with motion capture and tracking, keeping track of the orientation of Nelson’s face at all times. Others were purely green screen or spandex, while yet another — the only mask that wouldn’t require the reflectiveness to be added via CG later — was made of lamé, a type of fabric that has metallic fiber woven throughout it, meaning only one of the actual masks used during shooting was that distinctive silver.

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