Ask HN: Haven't worked for a while, best guide/advice to start a hobby project?

from Hacker News
I'm in a weird place. I used to work as a developer but never thought I was that great. Most of my jobs were small features, fixing bugs, etc. Honestly I was quite lazy and coasted somehow. I’m trying to change all of that now.

I feel like I'm behind 'bootcamp grads' because they can actually push deploy real code.

I have a bunch of hobby project ideas, for example one tries to use the Spotify API and the MapBox API, but every time I start I get overwhelmed with what stack I should use, and how to actually get a ‘real’ application out. It’s hard to explain. I have a lot of anxiety and analysis paralysis about this.

I’m hoping for some great resources to actually build something and learn at the same time, so I can get my confidence up and actually get some MVPs going so I can ‘learn by doing’.

I feel like every tutorial I look at either:

1. Starts out great, explaining stuff but then becomes outdated/frustrating by the end (ex:

2. Is WAY too basic. I don’t want to learn basic syntax over and over.

3. Keeps making me switch tech stacks. I just want to use Python/Flask or learn JS/Node. I want to use VUE just because it’s new and it’s docs seem good. I don't even know what's out there anymore or what's good about it. I just want some consistency. Everyone says the stack doesn't matter too much anyway. Just want it to be fun...

RealPython and FullStackPython seem like they have good tutorials so far but what I’ve been googling so far (Spotify Vue Tutorial Project Setup) has not come up with stuff that clicks with me.

Sorry for the ramble… I just want to work without feeling bored or overwhelmed. Any suggestions? Thanks ~