Debian votes for Proposal B, “Systemd but we support exploring alternatives”

Starting results calculation at Sat Dec 28 00:00:29 2019 Option 1 "F: Focus on systemd" Option 2 "B: Systemd but we support exploring alternatives" Option 3 "A: Support for multiple init systems is Important" Option 4 "D: Support non-systemd systems, without blocking progress" Option 5 "H: Support portability, without blocking progress" Option 6 "E: Support for multiple init systems is Required" Option 7 "G: Support portability and multiple implementations" Option 8 "Further Discussion" In the following table, tally[row x][col y] represents the votes that option x received over option y. Option 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 === === === === === === === === Option 1 185 246 223 227 278 243 307 Option 2 207 243 211 216 286 240 299 Option 3 159 131 113 120 250 165 225 Option 4 192 177 235 137 309 261 281 Option 5 187 168 222 163 301 246 271 Option 6 116 104 88 53 51 121 173 Option 7 168 145 176 93 91 207 216 Option 8 110 111 166 114 124 214 168 Looking at row 2, column 1, B: Systemd but we support exploring alternatives received 207 votes over F: Focus on systemd Looking at row 1, column 2, F: Focus on systemd received 185 votes over B: Systemd but we support exploring alternatives. Option 1 Reached quorum: 307 > 45.224440295044 Option 2 Reached quorum: 299 > 45.224440295044 Option 3 Reached quorum: 225 > 45.224440295044 Option 4 Reached quorum: 281 > 45.224440295044 Option 5 Reached quorum: 271 > 45.224440295044 Option 6 Reached quorum: 173 > 45.224440295044 Option 7 Reached quorum: 216 > 45.224440295044 Option 1 passes Majority. 2.791 (307/110) >= 1 Option 2 passes Majority. 2.694 (299/111) >= 1 Option 3 passes Majority. 1.355 (225/166) >= 1 Option 4 passes Majority. 2.465 (281/114) >= 1 Option 5 passes Majority. 2.185 (271/124) >= 1 Dropping Option 6 because of Majority. (0.8084112149532710280373831775700934579439) 0.808 (173/214) < 1 Option 7 passes Majority. 1.286 (216/168) >= 1 Option 2 defeats Option 1 by ( 207 - 185) = 22 votes. Option 1 defeats Option 3 by ( 246 - 159) = 87 votes. Option 1 defeats Option 4 by ( 223 - 192) = 31 votes. Option 1 defeats Option 5 by ( 227 - 187) = 40 votes. Option 1 defeats Option 7 by ( 243 - 168) = 75 votes. Option 1 defeats Option 8 by ( 307 - 110) = 197 votes. Option 2 defeats Option 3 by ( 243 - 131) = 112 votes. Option 2 defeats Option 4 by ( 211 - 177) = 34 votes. Option 2 defeats Option 5 by ( 216 - 168) = 48 votes. Option 2 defeats Option 7 by ( 240 - 145) = 95 votes. Option 2 defeats Option 8 by ( 299 - 111) = 188 votes. Option 4 defeats Option 3 by ( 235 - 113) = 122 votes. Option 5 defeats Option 3 by ( 222 - 120) = 102 votes. Option 7 defeats Option 3 by ( 176 - 165) = 11 votes. Option 3 defeats Option 8 by ( 225 - 166) = 59 votes. Option 5 defeats Option 4 by ( 163 - 137) = 26 votes. Option 4 defeats Option 7 by ( 261 - 93) = 168 votes. Option 4 defeats Option 8 by ( 281 - 114) = 167 votes. Option 5 defeats Option 7 by ( 246 - 91) = 155 votes. Option 5 defeats Option 8 by ( 271 - 124) = 147 votes. Option 7 defeats Option 8 by ( 216 - 168) = 48 votes. The Schwartz Set contains: Option 2 "B: Systemd but we support exploring alternatives" -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= The winners are: Option 2 "B: Systemd but we support exploring alternatives" -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

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