Kutt – a modern, open-source URL shortener



Kutt is a modern URL shortener with support for custom domains. Shorten URLs, manage your links and view the click rate statistics.

Contributions and bug reports are welcome.


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Kutt v2 (🚧 beta)

The new version of Kutt is here. In version 2, we used TypeScript and we moved from Neo4j to PostgreSQL database in favor of performance and we're working on adding new features.

If you're coming from v1, refer to MIGRATION.md to migrate data from Neo4j to PostgreSQL.

You can still find the stable version (v1) in the v1 branch.

Table of Contents

Key Features

  • Free and open source.
  • Custom domain support.
  • Custom URLs for shortened links
  • Setting password for links.
  • Private statistics for shortened URLs.
  • View and manage your links.
  • RESTful API.


  • Node (Web server)
  • Express (Web server framework)
  • Passport (Authentication)
  • React (UI library)
  • Next (Universal/server-side rendered React)
  • Redux (State management)
  • styled-components (CSS styling solution library)
  • Recharts (Chart library)
  • PostgreSQL (database)


You need to have Node.js, PostgreSQL and Redis installed.

  1. Clone this repository or download zip.
  2. Copy .example.env to .env and fill it properly.
  3. Install dependencies: npm install.
  4. Run for development: npm run dev.
  5. Run for production: npm run build then npm start.


You can use Docker to start the app. The simplest way is to just run docker-compose up command and then the app should be ready on port "3000".

Browser Extensions

Download Kutt's extension for web browsers via below links. You can also find the source code on kutt-extension.


In addition to the website, you can use these APIs to create, delete and get URLs.


URL { createdAt {string} ISO timestamp of when the URL was created id {string} Unique ID of the URL target {string} Where the URL will redirect to password {boolean} Whether or not a password is required count {number} The amount of visits to this URL shortUrl {string} The shortened link (Usually https://kutt.it/id) } 

In order to use these APIs you need to generate an API key from settings. Never put this key in the client side of your app or anywhere that is exposed to others.

All API requests and responses are in JSON format.

Include the API key as X-API-Key in the header of all below requests. Available API endpoints with body parameters:

Get shortened URLs list:

GET /api/url/geturls 


{ list {Array} List of URL objects countAll {number} Amount of items in the list } 

Submit a link to be shortened:

POST /api/url/submit 


  • target: Original long URL to be shortened.
  • customurl (optional): Set a custom URL.
  • password (optional): Set a password.
  • reuse (optional): If a URL with the specified target exists returns it, otherwise will send a new shortened URL.

Returns: URL object

Delete a shortened URL and Get stats for a shortened URL:

POST /api/url/deleteurl GET /api/url/stats 

Body (or query for GET request)

  • id: ID of the shortened URL.
  • domain (optional): Required if a custom domain is used for short URL.



You can use Kutt as your default URL shortener in ShareX. If you host your custom instance of Kutt, refer to ShareX wiki on how to setup.

Alfred Workflow

Download Kutt's official workflow for Alfred app from alfred-kutt repository.

3rd Party packages

C# (.NET)KuttSharp.NET package for Kutt.it url shortener
Pythonkutt-cliCommand-line client for Kutt written in Python
Rubykutt.rbKutt library written in Ruby
RusturlshortenerURL shortener library written in Rust
Rustkutt-rsCommand line tool written in Rust
Node.jsnode-kuttNode.js client for Kutt.it url shortener
Bashkutt-bashSimple command line program for Kutt
JavaScriptkutt-vscodeVisual Studio Code extention for Kutt
Javakutt-desktopA Cross platform Java desktop application for Kutt


Pull requests are welcome. You'll probably find lots of improvements to be made.

Open issues for feedback, requesting features, reporting bugs or discussing ideas.

Special thanks to Thomas and Muthu. Logo design by Muthu.

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