Made in NYC 12/25/2019 Featuring #Adafruit #FeatherM0, #CRICKIT and #PyPortalPynt @Adafruit

Made in NYC 12/25/2019 Featuring Adafruit FeatherM0, CRICKIT and PyPortalPynt

LED Matrix backpacks exiting reflow oven (0:03)

Laser cutting test fixture for PyPortal (0:12)

Selective solder assembled Adafruit Feather M0 (0:23)

Soldering CRICKIT Feather (0:54)
slow-motion (0:38)

Selective solder nozzle (1:20)

PyPortal Pynt manufacturing (1:25)

Continuing demolition of City Winery (1:57)

See more Made in NYC!