NEW LEARN GUIDE: All the Internet of Things – Episode 5 – “The S in IoT is for Security” @digikey

This learn guide is for Episode 5 of Adafruit and Digi-Key’s All the Internet of Things series – a six part program which covers everything you need to know about IoT.

So far in the series we’ve talked about:

  • Transports – the physical and wireless mechanisms used to transfer data between things
  • Protocols – the communication standards which enable devices at each end of a transport to understand what is being communicated
  • Services – these coordinate real-time communication between multiple devices, and record, process and visualize the data that your things are producing.
  • Adafruit IO – a robust Internet of Things service for makers and professional engineers alike: our very own Adafruit IO

The running joke is that the ‘S’ in IoT stands for security…cause its never there. But that’s what we discuss in this episode! There’s going to be billions of IoT devices on-line around the world, many of which will be connected to the Internet, and almost all of them will be unmonitored. With more and more of these connected devices being rushed to market, they’ve become a prime target.

Check out the guide here to learn more about the state of IoT security, and what engineers and makers can do to protect themselves, their products, and their data.