Protect Your Garden Against Cats #piday #raspberrypi @Raspberry_Pi


Almost one year ago we moved from an apartment to a house together with our cat and baby daughter. The nightmare has started when our cat started using the garden as a toilet.

There was several tries to push him to come back to the cat litter, but all of them didn’t succeed, he really liked the garden as much as we do. So I started thinking about something which could prevent the cat to go there, initially I thought about ultrasonic speaker or compressed air to scare him. But both are not good for open spaces.

Then I thought about an presence sensor spraying water, but I did not want my baby daughter to get wet instead of the cat, so this problem required a more sophisticated approach. A computer vision system which could differentiate between a person and a cat, interpreting images from a live camera and triggering a Solenoid valve which can sprinkle water in the naughty cat.

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